Verse of the Day
My Musings, Observations, etc.
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December 12, 2009
As I was scanning through the guide looking for something to watch, I came across something called "Handel's Messiah Rocks." I admit, I was curious, so, I watched a few minutes of it. It was a complete and total perversion of Handel's Messiah.
In the few minutes I watched, I saw immodestly dressed women, and men who could easily have been confused for women dancing and jumping around a stage to the sounds of a combination of a full orchestra, overdrive electric guitars, drums and vocals singing the almost familiar words of "The Messiah." I say almost familiar. The words they were singing were not the actual words from "The Messiah." The words they were singing were not based on the KJV.
Clearly, these people were presenting themselves as Christians. But, were they? Of course, I cannot say if they are actually Christians or not. However, I can draw some observations from the Scriptures.
Some people claim you can take Christian words and apply them to the worldly music. For something to be Christian, it has to be completely Christian. We cannot walk partly in the world and partly in the Lord!
If you are genuinely saved, the Lord has already nudged you about some things. How did you respond to the nudge? Was music something the Lord nudged you about? If you are listening to Christian Rock, or other contemporary (so-called) Christian music, and you are saved, the Lord has nudged you.
How can you tell what is good music and what is not? Here are several things to help guide you in the choice:
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In the few minutes I watched, I saw immodestly dressed women, and men who could easily have been confused for women dancing and jumping around a stage to the sounds of a combination of a full orchestra, overdrive electric guitars, drums and vocals singing the almost familiar words of "The Messiah." I say almost familiar. The words they were singing were not the actual words from "The Messiah." The words they were singing were not based on the KJV.
Clearly, these people were presenting themselves as Christians. But, were they? Of course, I cannot say if they are actually Christians or not. However, I can draw some observations from the Scriptures.
2Cor 6:14-18 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? (15) And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? (16) And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. (17) Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, (18) And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.In this passage, the Lord is asking the same question several times over. How can light and darkness co-exist? How can Christ and Belial agree? What fellowship does God have with idolatry? How can one who is saved stand with one who is an infidel? They simply cannot. As Christians, we are to be separate, distinctly different and set apart. A part of salvation is repentance. When we are saved, we repent, or turn from, our sinful nature. So, when it comes to something like music, what does that mean? It means that the music we listen to as Christians should be completely and distinctly different from the music we listened to when we were not saved. Like every other aspect of our lives, the music we listen to is an indicator of where we are headed. When you were saved, did you want to change the music you listened to? Even a little? If not, perhaps you were not saved.
Some people claim you can take Christian words and apply them to the worldly music. For something to be Christian, it has to be completely Christian. We cannot walk partly in the world and partly in the Lord!
Lu 9:62 And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.Jesus was making the point that we cannot keep ourselves in the sins and cares of the world while claiming to follow Him. Jesus plainly said that one who looked back was unfit for the Kingdom of God. The worldly Christian music is just that. It is someone who wants the benefits of being a Christian while holding on to the vice of ungodly music.
If you are genuinely saved, the Lord has already nudged you about some things. How did you respond to the nudge? Was music something the Lord nudged you about? If you are listening to Christian Rock, or other contemporary (so-called) Christian music, and you are saved, the Lord has nudged you.
How can you tell what is good music and what is not? Here are several things to help guide you in the choice:
- Music should encourage you to get closer to God?
- Music should encourage you to worship in a pure way. That is, the music should not cause you to move your body in a sensual or immodest way. That is, the music should not cause you to draw attention to yourself. Your worship should always direct attention to God.
- If the words were removed, the music should still be honoring to God. Often, the music of the so-called Christian rock (rap, country, etc.) is identical to it's worldly counterpart. In fact, if you removed the words, could not tell the difference between the two.
- The musicians should have a good testimony. Their life, as it is now, should clearly reflect the change Christ has made in their lives through salvation. Their testimony should be clear and their lives should prove their testimony. Often, the clearest illustration of the contemporary musician's lacking walk with God is illustrated in their attire.
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